Saturday, April 28, 2018

Why I Started Zen Designs Company

Dearest Readers,

    My name is Jennifer and I'm the owner of Zen Designs Company.  At one point, my life was either too hopeless or too stressed.  I was taking care of my responsibilities and was getting nothing out of all the hard work and efforts that I had put out.   Then one day it dawned on me.  I was giving to everything, every one, every job, but I completely forgot about giving to myself.  I needed to give myself something I've never given to my self before.......and that was SELF-CARE.

   Well how does one do this?  It's not about the money you make or the clothes you wear.  I thought because I'd tan, work out, get my hair and nails done, that  I was taking care of myself.  But that was not it at all.  I had to get out of the trap that after I do this or that, after I achieve this, or get the house, the car, the job, even the man.... then I could be happy.  The truth was, no, that's not how happiness works.  I had to be taught this since I was starting out new in this.  Luckily I had many teachers.

    In my journey that is never ending, I learned many things.  Happiness is a choice not a reward after all has been done.  In reality, all will never get done.  Stress is also a choice.  To learn to live in the moment and keep a healthy balance in all I do was key.  I'm so relieved that I finally learned that.  Whew....what a load of rocks I was able to dump off my shoulders!  I also had to add love in the equation.  Love of self, others, valuing healthy relationships and friendships, living in the moment, knowing myself and my purpose, and pursuing my passions in life.

   With these life changes, I was able to actually find balance and achieve more.  This includes the career in the Oil & Gas industry that I enjoy.  But this career challenges me and stretches me, hence a need to find another level of balance.  The concept of having a business of my own in which I can explore and express my creative side began as a seedling in my mind.  That seedling grew in further developing my skill sets from online learning, volunteer activities that included doing art with women in rehab centers, to doing art projects with my son, and playing around with photographic images.

    Now I had all these new cool talents and abilities.  Now what?  Zen what happened!  I love creative clothing, jewelry, and art.  In my happy journey, I learned different forms of Yoga.  Buddha is my bud, and Taoism is my zen, my church family and dogs are love, hence a company named Zen Designs Company was born.  So there you go.  This is a company that was born from my heart of the best things in this world that has been taught to me by the many others that have touched my life.  

Thank you for being here with me.  Feel free to check us out at any time.  We are adding and designing new stuff every day!

Check out Zen Designs Company